Sam Singh

Energetic, confident and team player to help guide product development from inception to generating revenue. I’ve been a product R & D contributor and collaborator since 2015 and I specialize in innovation, analysis, and project / team management. I'm now an emerging developer with Material UI, React and React Native experience.

Empty Portfolio
Pitch Video

Degree: Undergraduate
GPA/ Equivalent: 3.25
Timeframe: 08/10/2006 - 03/10/2010
Course Study: Biomedical Science
Graduated: yes


Degree: Undergraduate Minor
GPA/ Equivalent: 3.56
Timeframe: 03/04/2008 - 03/11/2009
Course Study: Biophysics
Graduated: yes


Degree: MSEAT
GPA/ Equivalent: 3.46
Timeframe: 01/06/2011 - 12/16/2014
Course Study: Masters in Entrepreneurship
Graduated: yes


Degree: MBA
GPA/ Equivalent: 3.26
Timeframe: 08/13/2015 - 05/10/2018
Course Study: Business Administration
Graduated: yes

FlipSetter, Inc.

Timeframe: 04/04/2015 - Current
Position: CEO

I'm the primary software architect and help design the current and upcoming applications on FlipSetter. I work with both the marketing and development teams, broker communication back and forth and handle the rest of the operations i.e. legal, accounting, financial, investing, R & D, etc.
University of Florida

Timeframe: 05/04/2011 - Current
Position: Student Researcher - Mechanical Engineering

I submitted a patent idea to the UFOTL that allowed me to incubate the idea into something potentially commercial. I am currently working on launching a mobile app for FlipSetter to get the approval of the Director of Innovation, and then the the UF student body.
Independent Tutoring

Timeframe: 10/04/2019 - Current
Position: Independent Tutor

Over the past year, I've tutored over 30 students on here and landed lots of students successfully into college! I specialize in SAT / ACT, and my students on average score a 1300+! If you wish to enroll into your dream college, we may just be able to make that happen!
Salt Capital USA - Investment Firm

Timeframe: 09/12/2020 - Current
Position: Director of Technology and Digital Marketing

Salt Capital USA is a private investment firm, and operates hedge funds, commodities markets, trades domestically and internationally, as well as underwrites companies going public in the NASDAQ, IPO stage. Salt Capital USA website -
Indeszyne by FlipSetter - Sole Proprietor

Timeframe: 10/11/2023 - Current
Position: Contracted Mobile App UI

Using the Indeszyne mobile app created by FlipSetter, we specialize in rapid prototyping with a focuse on bottom navigation and drawer navigation formats you normally see on apps. They are fully customizable.
Honors and Awards
Eagle Scout


I attained Eagle Scout which is the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) back 2005. This prestigious rank opened up my eyes to a new sense of leadership.
Lean Six Sigma

Timeframe: 03/06/2017 - 03/04/2020

I was drillled on team work, work flow charts, group projects, analytics and organizational management.

Timeframe: 05/22/2017 - Current

NCAA Division I coaches are permitted to subscribe to this service for Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball and Football. To confirm approval, NCAA compliance officers and coaches may find this service on the list of approvals linked below. This link requires an NCAA login and is not available to the public.
Lean Six Sigma

Timeframe: 03/10/2017 - Current
Position: Active Member

Outstanding Lean Six Sigma member.
NAACP Hillsborough County

Timeframe: 11/10/2018 - Current
Position: Member

National Association of American Colored People. By forming an alliance with the President of the NAACP Hillsborough, we plan to introduce our app to the diversity communities.
World Trade Center Association - Tampa Chapter

Timeframe: 09/01/2020 - Current
Position: Social Media Consultant and IT Manager

We embedded the FlipSetter social media icon into the WTCA Tampa website as a way for people to sign in securely when a whiteboard session is actively being used by our members for calling purposes. Now, it can broadcast a - "LIVE whiteboard call - click here to sign in" Website -
NAME (National Alliance of Medicaid Education)

Timeframe: 02/09/2023 - Current
Position: Member

NAME is an organization that helps communities understand how to get Medicaid and the importance of Medicaid.
Extracurricular Activities
WCJB TV20 interview at the UF Innovate Hub


As an outstanding research at UF Innovate, FlipSetter Collaborate (our upcoming app) was featured on the news with WCJB TV 20!
FlipSetter Academy Promo Video!


Join us at FlipSetter Academy for your tutoring needs!
Public Speaking


Informational, motivational, educational, impromptu and other various forms. It depends on the crowd size, age group and their interests. Let me know if you need a public speaker!


Technical writing, research, essays and books. I wrote a series of small books called - "Get to the FlipSide!" I have not published yet, but may do so in the future.


I've been called an "idea machine." I use that status to continuously come up with solutions to solve real world problems and add more applications to the FlipSetter site.
Microsoft Office - Advanced Level


I have advanced level skills in Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
Coding & Architecture


React Native TypeScript and Javascript - proficient React with Material UI - proficient Javascript - proficient Check out my UpWork profile:
Leadership and Teamwork


FlipSetter trained me to think as a leader beyond "textbook" leadership. There are three types of management styles, and any form of literature can't prepare you unless you solidify your understanding by experiencing it as a living example. Leadership is an empirical skillset.

Proficiency: Beginner

Can speak and understand it well, conversational.

Proficiency: Advanced

Can read, speak and write fluently through many different types of discourses - interrogative, declarative and exclamatory!

Proficiency: Beginner

Can speak, read, write and understand Spanish decently in conversational form.
Securities Exchange Commission clearance!


I wrote FlipSetter's Private Placement document (PPM) and saved the company over $15,000. We submitted the PPM to the Securities Exchange Commission, got clearance with the Small Business Compliance division under a Form D Regulation. This is a Technical and Legal writing document. ***I am not authorized or permitted to provide legal advise. I am only permitted to suggest different options and resources that are available.
Seed Round Investment cycle closed! 1/27/18


The Seed Round is the first investment in the cycle of a start-up business. I closed it with the SEC, and we're also on Crunchbase -
Collaborate - VR Whiteboard patent pending!


***This technology is protected under the following title – “METHOD, SYSTEM AND APPARATUS FOR REAL-TIME VIRTUAL WHITEBOARD COMMUNICATIONS VIA AN INSTANT MESSAGING PLATFORM" U.S. Patent Pending (any attempts to duplicate, modify or alter this technology in any shape or form will be considered an infringement on this patent application and are subject to litigation and / or penalties)
Indeszyne - FlipSetter App


FlipSetter's reinvented canvas app written in React Native typescript. Experience the grand opening at: